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001-es BibID:BIBFORM086807
Első szerző:Furkó Bálint Péter (nyelvész)
Cím:English discourse markers in mediatised political interviews / Furkó Péter, Abuczki Ágnes
ISSN:0524-6881 1805-0867
Megjegyzések:The present case study takes a discourse-pragmatic approach to some of the most frequently used discourse markers (henceforth DMs) in spoken English: I mean, of course, oh, well, I think and you know. The point of departure in this research is a set of discourse-pragmatic relations and functions, such as conversation management, thematic control, concession, elaboration, reformulation, ventriloquizing, and marking evidentiality. After looking at which DMs signal these relations and functions in our corpora, we identify a set of English DMs whose members display markedly different pragmatic behaviours across various subgenres of spoken English such as naturally-occurring conversations and mediatised political interviews. We examine their use in a corpus of political interviews broadcast in English by the BBC and CNN between 2003 and 2011, and compare our results with previous research, performed on the basis of spontaneous, everyday conversations. Our paper has a threefold goal: (1) to present examples of the various discourse-organizing roles and strategic uses of the DMs; (2) to discuss the differences between the selected English DMs' functions across different subgenres of spoken English discourse; and (3) to answer whether or not the uses of the selected discourse markers differ across the various discourse types/genres (spoken English vs. different types of political interviews).
Tárgyszavak:Bölcsészettudományok Nyelvtudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
Discourse markers
pragmatic markers
media discourse
political discourse
genre analysis
Megjelenés:Brno Studies in English. - 40 : 1 (2014), p. 45-64. -
További szerzők:Abuczki Ágnes (1985-) (általános, alkalmazott nyelvész)
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