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001-es BibID:BIBFORM086851
Első szerző:Maticsák Sándor (nyelvész)
Cím:The Erzya-Mordvin continuation of nominal derivational suffixes in the proto-language composed of a single sibilant or affricate / Maticsák Sándor
Megjegyzések:This paper aimed to study and discuss the Erzya-Mordvin suffixes containing primitive sibilants and affricates. As a result of Proto- and Old Mordvin sound changes, namely voicing, palatalization and (de)affrication, the primitive alveolar suffixes (*-s, *-ś and *-ć) evolved into -s, -ś, -z and -ź (and also -c, -ć and -? as dialectal variants), while the postalveolars (*š, *č) developed into -š, -ž, and -č (dial. -?) in the Erzya language. The studied consonants also exist on in a number of ?CV type suffixes (-śa, -ća; -ša, -ža and -ča). The Mordvin literature on the topic has only cited a handful of words as examples up until now. With the help of etymological, reverse and other bilingual dictionaries, this essay analysed 75 words. A number of these contain suffixes, and there are elements in some of the others that are likely to be suffixes. A separate section looked into the issue of primitive Iranian loan words and the so-called -kaz, -maz semi-suffixes. Most members of the former group do not contain suffixes, while the existence of the latter has been seriously questioned here.
Tárgyszavak:Bölcsészettudományok Nyelvtudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
nominal derivational
alveolar and postalveolar suffixes
Megjelenés:Finnisch-Ugrische Mitteilungen. - 38 (2014), p. 143-162. -
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