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001-es BibID:BIBFORM086970
Első szerző:Lajos Veronika (etnográfia és kulturális antropológia)
Cím:Alkalmazott szemléletű társadalomtudomány: társadalmi részvétel, kollaboratív etnográfia és akciókutatás / Lajos Veronika
Megjegyzések:This study is a part of a methodological collection prepared in the framework of the Hungarikum-subproject of an interdisciplinary research program, discussing the methodological issues surfacing in the investigation of the role and social-cultural values of gastronomy and local gastronomical products in local communities. Nevertheless, beside the classic basic research with a focus on humanities and social sciences, there is also a version of the academic approach that places more emphasis on practical aspects and application possibilities. My study represents a step in the complex process of the adaptation of applied ethnography in Hungary, in which a few of the methodological problems of application are going to be sorted out. First, I will give a summary and an outline of the definitions and most important fields of application of applied anthropology, a domain that utilizes ethnographical data and European ethnological and cultural anthropological knowledge directly in practice. Following this, I will briefly cover the oft debated relationship between theory and practice, and finally discuss the issues of social participation, cooperation (collaborative ethnography), and action (participation action research) in social scientific research.
Tárgyszavak:Bölcsészettudományok Néprajz és kulturális antropológiai tudományok magyar nyelvű folyóiratközlemény hazai lapban
Megjelenés:Néprajzi Látóhatár. - 1-2 (2014), p. 25-49. -
Pályázati támogatás:TÁMOP-4.1.1.C-12/1/KONV-2012-0014
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