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001-es BibID:BIBFORM087059
035-os BibID:(WoS)000527631600001 (Scopus)85090565616
Első szerző:Wijayawardene, Nalin N.
Cím:Outline of Fungi and fungus-like taxa / Wijayawardene, N.N.; Hyde, K.D.; Al-Ani, L.K.T.; Tedersoo, L.; Haelewaters, D.; Rajeshkumar, K.C.; Zhao, R.L.; Aptroot, A.; Leontyev, D.V.; Saxena, R.K.; Tokarev, Y.S.; Dai, D.Q.; Letcher, P.M.; Stephenson, S.L.; Ertz, D.; Lumbsch, H.T.; Kukwa, M.; Issi, I.V.; Madrid, H.; Phillips, A.J.L.; Selbmann, L.; Pfliegler, W.P.; Horváth, E.; Bensch, K.; Kirk, P.M.; Kolaříková, K.; Raja, H.A.; Radek, R.; Papp, V.; Dima, B.; Ma, J.; Malosso, E.; Takamatsu, S.; Rambold, G.; Gannibal, P.B.; Triebel, D.; Gautam, A.K.; Avasthi, S.; Suetrong, S.; Timdal, E.; Fryar, S.C.; Delgado, G.; Réblová, M.; Doilom, M.; Dolatabadi, S.; Pawowska, J.; Humber, R.A.; Kodsueb, R.; Sánchez-Castro, I.; Goto, B.T.; Silva, D.K.A.; de, Souza, F.A.; Oehl, F.; da, Silva, G.A.; Silva, I.R.; Baszkowski, J.; Jobim, K.; Maia, L.C.; Barbosa, F.R.; Fiuza, P.O.; Divakar, P.K;., Shenoy, B.D.; Castañeda-Ruiz, R.F.; Somrithipol, S.; Lateef, A.A.; Karunarathna, S.C.; Tibpromma, S.; Mortimer, P.E.; Wanasinghe, D.N.; Phookamsak, R.; Xu, J.; Wang, Y.; Tian, F.; Alvarado, P.; Li, D.W.; Kušan, I.; Matočec , N.; Maharachchikumbura, S.S.N.; Papizadeh, M.; Heredia, G.; Wartchow, F.; Bakhshi, M.; Boehm, E.; Youssef, N.; Hustad, V.P.; Lawrey, J.D.; Santiago, A.L.C.M.A.; Bezerra, J.D.P.; Souza-Motta, C.M.; Firmino, A.L.; Tian, Q.; Houbraken, J.; Hongsanan, S.; Tanaka, K.; Dissanayake, A.J.; Monteiro, J.S.; Grossart, H.P.; Suija, A.; Weerakoon, G.; Etayo, J.; Tsurykau, A.; Vázquez, V.; Mungai, P.; Damm, U.; Li, Q.R.; Zhang, H.; Boonmee, S.; Lu, Y.Z.; Becerra, A.G.; Kendrick, B.; Brearley, F.Q.; Motiejūnaitė, J.; Sharma, B.; Khare, R.; Gaikwad, S.; Wijesundara, D.S.A.; Tang, L.Z.; He, M.Q.; Flakus, A.; Rodriguez-Flakus, P.; Zhurbenko, M.P.; McKenzie, E.H.C.; Stadler, M.; Bhat, D.J.; Liu, J.K.; Raza, M.; Jeewon, R.; Nassonova, E.S.; Prieto, M.; Jayalal, R.G.U.; Erdoğdu, M.; Yurkov, A.; Schnittler, M.; Shchepin, O.N.; Novozhilov, Y.K.; Silva-Filho, A.G.S.; Liu, P.; Cavender, J.C.; Kang, Y.; Mohammad, S.; Zhang, L.F.; Xu, R.F.; Li, Y.M.; Dayarathne, M.C.; Ekanayaka, A.H.; Wen, T.C.; Deng, C.Y.; Pereira, O.L.; Navathe, S.; Hawksworth, D.L.; Fan, X.L.; Dissanayake, L.S.; Kuhnert, E.; Thines, M.
Megjegyzések:This article provides an outline of the classification of the kingdom Fungi (including fossil fungi. i.e. dispersed spores, mycelia, sporophores, mycorrhizas). We treat 19 phyla of fungi. These are Aphelidiomycota, Ascomycota, Basidiobolomycota, Basidiomycota, Blastocladiomycota, Calcarisporiellomycota, Caulochytriomycota, Chytridiomycota, Entomophthoromycota, Entorrhizomycota, Glomeromycota, Kickxellomycota, Monoblepharomycota, Mortierellomycota, Mucoromycota, Neocallimastigomycota, Olpidiomycota, Rozellomycota and Zoopagomycota. The placement of all fungal genera is provided at the class-, order- and family-level. The described number of species per genus is also given. Notes are provided of taxa for which recent changes or disagreements have been presented. Fungus-like taxa that were traditionally treated as fungi are also incorporated in this outline (i.e. Eumycetozoa, Dictyosteliomycetes, Ceratiomyxomycetes and Myxomycetes). Four new taxa are introduced: Amblyosporida ord. nov. Neopereziida ord. nov. and Ovavesiculida ord. nov. in Rozellomycota, and Protosporangiaceae fam. nov. in Dictyosteliomycetes. Two different classifications (in outline section and in discussion) are provided for Glomeromycota and Leotiomycetes based on recent studies. The phylogenetic reconstruction of a four-gene dataset (18S and 28S rRNA, RPB1, RPB2) of 433 taxa is presented, including all currently described orders of fungi.
Tárgyszavak:Természettudományok Biológiai tudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
Amblyosporida ord. nov.
Basal clades
Four new taxa
Neopereziida ord. nov.
Megjelenés:Mycosphere. - 11 : 1 (2020), p. 1060-1456. -
További szerzők:Hyde, Kevin D. Al-Ani, L.K.T. Tedersoo, Leho Haelewaters, Danny Rajeshkumar, Kunhiraman C. Zhao, R.L. Aptroot, André Leontyev, D. V. Saxena, Krishna Tokarev, Y. S. Dai, Dong Qin Letcher, P.M. Stephenson, S.L. Ertz, Damien Lumbsch, H. Thorsten Kukwa, Martin Issi, I.V. Madrid, Hugo Phillips, Alan J. L. Selbmann, Laura Pfliegler Valter Péter (1986-) (molekuláris biológus) Horváth Enikő (1987-) (biológus) Bensch, Konstanze Kirk, Paul M. Kolaříková, K. Raja, Huzefa A. Radek, R. Papp V. Dima, B. Ma, J.-X. Malosso, E. Takamatsu, Susumu Rambold, G. Gannibal, P.B. Triebel, D. Gautam, A.K. Avasthi, S. Suetrong, Satinee Timdal, Einar Fryar, S.C. Delgado, G. Réblová, M. Doilom, Mingkwan Dolatabadi, S. Pawowska, J. Humber, R.A. Kodsueb, Rampai Sánchez-Castro, I. Goto, B. T. Silva, D.K.A. de Souza, F.A. Oehl, F. da Silva, G.A. Silva, I.R. Baszkowski, J. Jobim, K. Maia, L. C. Barbosa, F. A. R. Fiuza, Patrícia O. Divakar, P.K Shenoy, Belle D. Castañeda-Ruiz, Rafael F. Somrithipol, S. Lateef, Adebola Azeez Karunarathna, Samantha C. Tibpromma, Saowaluck Mortimer, Peter E. Wanasinghe, Dhanushka N. Phookamsak, Rungtiwa Xu, J. Wang, Yankun Tian, F. Alvarado, P. Li, D.W. Kušan, I. Matočec, N. Maharachchikumbura, Sajeewa S. N. Papizadeh, Moslem Heredia, Gabriela Wartchow, F. Bakhshi, M. Boehm, E. Youssef, N. Hustad, V. P. Lawrey, J.D. Santiago, A.L.C.M.A. Bezerra, J.D.P. Souza-Motta, C.M. Firmino, A.L. Tian, Qing Houbraken, Jos Hongsanan, S. Tanaka, K. Dissanayake, Asha J. Monteiro, Josiane Santana Grossart, Hans-Peter Suija, Ave Weerakoon, Gothamie Etayo, Javier Tsurykau, A. Vázquez, V. Mungai, P. Damm, U. Li, Q.R. Zhang, H. Boonmee, Saranyaphat Lu, Y.Z. Becerra, A.G. Kendrick, B. Brearley, Francis Q. Motiejūnaitė, J. Sharma, Bharati O. Khare, R. Gaikwad, Subhash Wijesundara, D.S.A. Tang, Li Zhou He, M.Q. Flakus, A. Rodriguez-Flakus, P. Zhurbenko, M.P. McKenzie, E. H. C. Stadler, M. Bhat, D. Jayarama Liu, Jian-Kui (Jack) Raza, M. Jeewon, Rajesh Nassonova, E.S. Prieto, Maria Jayalal, R. G. U. Erdoğdu, M. Yurkov, Andrey Schnittler, M. Shchepin, O.N. Novozhilov, Y.K. Silva-Filho, A.G.S. Liu, P. Cavender, J.C. Kang, Y. Mohammad, S. Zhang, L.F. Xu, R.F. Li, Y.M. Dayarathne, Monika C. Ekanayaka, Anusha H. Wen, T.C. Deng, C.Y. Pereira, O.L. Navathe, S. Hawksworth, David L. Fan, X. L. Dissanayake, L.S. Kuhnert, E. Thines, M.
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