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001-es BibID:BIBFORM087480
Első szerző:Bagdi Katalin (jogász)
Cím:The Future of Employees' Board-Level Representation in The European Union / Bagdi Katalin
Megjegyzések:It can not be said that board-level employee representation is in the centre of attention in the European Union at the moment. Even though there are uncountable studies on how to enhance the EU legislation of board-level representation to ensure the workers participation in the employer's decision-making in spite of the Member States' regulations that vary greatly, there is no sign of such intention at European level at all. Member States without any legislation regarding board-level representation often argue that introducing such participatory rights would become an obstacle to the freedom of establishment and, in addition, would hinder the performance of companies. There is no proof that giving workers the right to participate would have catastrophic results, because Member States with strong participation schemes have strong position in the global and European market. Actually, the global financial and economic crisis proved, that those companies that strengthened participatory rights on board level mitigated the effects of the crisis, avoided redundancies and became profitable.
Tárgyszavak:Társadalomtudományok Állam- és jogtudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
Board-level employee representation
Information and consultation
Labour Law
Economic crisis
Workers' participation
Megjelenés:Procedia Economics and Finance. - 23 (2015), p. 1394-1400. -
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