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001-es BibID:BIBFORM088005
Első szerző:Gavojdian, Dinu
Cím:Effects of using indigenous heritage sheep breeds in organic and low-input production systems on production efficiency and animal welfare in Romania / Gavojdian Dinu, Padeanu Ioan, Sauer Maria, Dragomir Neculai, Ilisiu Elena, Kusza Szilvia, Rahmann Gerold
Megjegyzések:Romania ranks third in the EU28 in terms of sheep numbers (9.8 millions), having a self-sufficiency for sheep meat of 150 % and therefore exports are important at national level. Objectives of the current research trials were: i) to evaluate the potential of the Turcana breed to produce organic lamb meat under highland pasture-based conditions; ii) to evaluate the overall resistance of the breed and fitness indicators, in comparison with two native breeds, reared under lowinput conditions; iii) to study the genetic base using molecular assisted selection in order to produce hypoallergenic milk and derived milk products. The conventional pasture from the current project had a potential of production of 189 kg/ha for Turcana purebreds, and of 236 kg/ha for F1German Blackheaded x Turcana (GBxTA) crossbreed lambs. While for the organic pasture, it was estimated a production potential of 191 kg of meat per hectar while rearing Turcana purebred lambs, and of 240 kg/ha for the F1GBxTA dualbreeds. In the current preliminary study, the genetic polymorphism of ovine ?-casein gene in the Romanian Zackel breed was highlighted, using TaqMan assay. ?-casein in sheep is strongly correlated to economically important milk quantitative traits, being a first step in introducing genomic selection for the production of organic hypoallergenic sheep milk and derived products.
Tárgyszavak:Agrártudományok Állattenyésztési tudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
Romanian Zackel sheep
Turcana sheep
organic lamb production
animal welfare
Rumänisches Zackelschaf
Ökologische Lammfleischproduktion
Megjelenés:Landbauforschung. - 66 : 4 (2016), p. 290-297. -
További szerzők:Padeanu, Ioan Sauer, Maria Dragomir, Neculai Ilisiu, Elena Kusza Szilvia (1979-) (agrármérnök) Rahmann, Gerold
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