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001-es BibID:BIBFORM088166
035-os BibID:(cikkazonosító)e013873
Első szerző:Ilie, Daniela Elena
Cím:Microsatellite and Mitochondrial DNA Study of Native Eastern European Cattle Populations: The Case of the Romanian Grey / Ilie Daniela Elena, Cean Ada, Cziszter Ludovic Toma, Gavojdian Dinu, Iván Alexandra, Kusza Szilvia
ISSN:1932-6203 1932-6203
Megjegyzések:The Eastern European Grey cattle are regarded as the direct descendants of the aurochs(Bos taurus primigenius). Nowadays in Romania, less than 100 Grey animals are being reared and included in the national gene reserve. We examined the genetic diversity among Romanian Grey, Brown, Spotted and Black and White cattle breeds, with a particular focuson Romanian Grey through the use of (i) 11 bovine specific microsatellite markers on 83 animals and (ii) 638 bp length of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) D-loop region sequence data from a total of 81 animals. Both microsatellite and mtDNA analysis revealed a high level of genetic variation in the studied breeds. In Romanian Grey a total of 100 alleles were found,the mean number of observed alleles per locus was 9.091; the average observed heterozygosity was 0.940; the Wright's fixation index (FIS) was negative (-0.189) and indicates that there is no inbreeding and no selection pressure. MtDNA analysis revealed 52 haplotypes with 67 variable sites among the Romanian cattle breeds without any insertion or deletion.Haplotype diversity was 0.980?0.007 and ranged from 0.883?0.056 (Brown) to 0.990?0.028 (Spotted and Black and White). The highest genetic variability of the mtDNA was recorded in the Grey breed, where 18 haplotypes were identified. The most frequent mtDNAD-loop region belonged to T3 haplogroup (80.247%), which was found across all studied breeds, while T2 haplotypes (16.049%) was only found in Grey, Spotted and Black and White genotypes. The T1 haplotypes (3.704%) were found in the Grey and Spotted. The current results contribute to the general knowledge on genetic diversity found in Eastern European cattle breeds and could prove a valuable tool for the conservation efforts of animal genetic resources (FAnGR).
Tárgyszavak:Agrártudományok Állattenyésztési tudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
DNA Study
Native Eastern European Cattle Populations
Romanian Grey
Megjelenés:Plos One. - 10 : 9 (2015), p. 1-18. -
További szerzők:Cean, Ada Cziszter, Ludovic Toma Gavojdian, Dinu Iván Alexandra Kusza Szilvia (1979-) (agrármérnök)
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