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001-es BibID:BIBFORM088942
035-os BibID:(cikkazonosító)040 (WoS)000168114600040 (Scopus)7044232114
Első szerző:Hart, Alistair
Cím:Vortices and confinement in hot and cold D = 2+1 gauge theories / Alistair Hart, Biagio Lucini, Mike Teper, Zsolt Schram
ISSN:1126-6708 1029-8479
Megjegyzések:We calculate the variation with temperature of the vortex free energy in D = 2+1 SU(2) lattice gauge theories. We do so both above and below the deconfining transition at T = Tc. We find that this quantity is zero at all T for large enough volumes. For T < Tc this observation is consistent with the fact that the phase is linearly confining; while for T > Tc it is consistent with the conventional expectation of 'spatial' linear confinement. In small spatial volumes this quantity is shown to be non zero. The way it decreases to zero with increasing volume is shown to be controlled by the (spatial) string tension and it has the functional form one would expect if the vortices being studied were responsible for the confinement at low T, and for the 'spatial' confinement at large T. We also discuss in detail some of the direct numerical evidence for a non-zero spatial string tension at high T, and we show that the observed linearity of the (spatial) potential extends over distances that are large compared to typical high-T length scales.
Tárgyszavak:Természettudományok Fizikai tudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
Lattice Gauge Field Theories
Solitons Monopoles and Instantons
Strong Coupling Expansion
Megjelenés:Journal of High Energy Physics. - 2000 : 6 (2000), p. 1-26. -
További szerzők:Lucini, Biagio Teper, Mike Schram Zsolt (1959-) (fizikus)
Pályázati támogatás:OTKA T032501
Internet cím:DOI
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