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001-es BibID:BIBFORM090358
Első szerző:Márta László (geográfus)
Cím:Top-and subsoil mixing due cultivation as degradation risk on chernozemic arable lands / László Márta, Balogh Szabolcs, Novák Tibor József
Megjegyzések:Variability in depth of organic rich layer, vertical distribution of secondary carbonates, nutrient content and changes in bulk density can heavily influence topsoil fertility after long term cultivation and applying homogeneous plough depth. Increasing cultivation depth contributes also to mixing of organic- and nutrient poor subsoil to the fertile topsoil layer, which can be considered as a risk of soil degradation process. In case of erosion is associated with increasing plough depth and intensity, the natural variability and spatial pattern can disappear, and soil fertility decreases. In our study the soil vertical variability within Chernozem covered arable parcells of Hajdúság and Mezőföld loess plateaus were investigated in microscale. Arable parcells on homogeneous, flat loess coverd areas with low relief energy were sampled in detail (20-50 meter distances). Vertical distribution of SOC, N, P and secondary carbonates were measured. In Hajdúság, we found, that even on very flat areas, there are serious differences in vertical carbonate and humus status of the soils, and due to ongoing long time deep cultivation and mixing surficial soil layers, the topsoil quality can be degraded. In Mezőföld additional erosion contributes to decrease of topsoil fertility. The degradation influences even soil classification status, and should be minimized for sustainable use.
Tárgyszavak:Természettudományok Földtudományok nem besorolt
További szerzők:Balogh Szabolcs (1992-) (geográfus) Novák Tibor (1973-) (geográfus)
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