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001-es BibID:BIBFORM091875
035-os BibID:(WOS)000581183900014 (Scopus)85094685088
Első szerző:Acar-Denizli, Nihan
Cím:Systemic phenotype related to primary Sjögren's syndrome in 279 patients carrying isolated anti-La/SSB antibodies / N. Acar-Denizli, I. F. Horváth, T. Mandl, R. Priori, A. Vissink, G. Hernandez-Molina, B. Armagan, S. Praprotnik, A. Sebastian, E. Bartoloni, M. Rischmueller, S. G. Pasoto, G. Nordmark, H. Nakamura, V. Fernandes Moça Trevisani, S. Retamozo, S. E. Carsons, B. Maure-Noia, I. Sánchez-Berná, M. López-Dupla, E. Fonseca-Aizpuru, S. Melchor Díaz, M. Vázquez, P. E. Díaz Cuiza, B. de Miguel Campo, W. F. Ng, A. Rasmussen, X. Dong, X. Li, C. Baldini, R. Seror, Jacques-Eric Gottenberg, A. A. Kruize, P. Sandhya, S. Gandolfo, Seung-Ki Kwok, M. Kvarnstrom, R. Solans, D. Sene, Y. Suzuki, D. A. Isenberg, V. Valim, B. Hofauer, R. Giacomelli, V. Devauchelle-Pensec, F. Atzeni, T. A. Gheita, J. Morel, R. Izzo, U. Kalyoncu, A. Szántó, P. Olsson, H. Bootsma, M. Ramos-Casals, B. Kostov, P. Brito-Zerón, Sjögren Big Data Consortium
Megjegyzések:Objectives: To evaluate the systemic phenotype associated with the presence of isolated anti-La/SSB antibodies in a large international registry of patients with primary Sjögren's syndrome (pSS) fulfilling the 2002 classification criteria. Methods: The Big Data Sjögren Project Consortium is an international, multicentre registry created in 2014. Baseline clinical information from leading centres on clinical research in SS of the 5 continents was collected. Combination patterns of anti-Ro/SSA-La/SSB antibodies at the time of diagnosis defined the following four immunological phenotypes: double positive (combined Ro/SSA and La/SSB,) isolated anti-Ro/SSA, isolated anti-La/SSB, and immunonegative. Results: The cohort included 12,084 patients (11,293 females, mean 52.4 years) with recorded ESSDAI scores available. Among them, 279 (2.3%) had isolated anti-La/SSB antibodies. The mean total ESSDAI score at diagnosis of patients with pSS carrying isolated anti-La/SSB was 6.0, and 80.4% of patients had systemic activity (global ESSDAI score ?1) at diagnosis. The domains with the highest frequency of active patients were the biological (42.8%), glandular (36.8%) and articular (31.2%) domains. Patients with isolated anti-La/SSB showed a higher frequency of active patients in all ESSDAI domains but two (articular and peripheral nerve) in comparison with immune-negative patients, and even a higher absolute frequency in six clinical ESSDAI domains in comparison with patients with isolated anti-Ro/SSA. In addition, patients with isolated anti-La/SSB showed a higher frequency of active patients in two ESSDAI domains (pulmonary and glandular) with respect to the most active immunological subset (double-positive antibodies). Meanwhile, systemic activity detected in patients with isolated anti-La/SSB was overwhelmingly low. Even in ESSDAI domains where patients with isolated anti-La/SSB had the highest frequencies of systemic activity (lymphadenopathy and muscular), the percentage of patients with moderate or high activity was lower in comparison with the combined Ro/SSA and La/SSB group. Conclusions: Patients carrying isolated La/SSB antibodies represent a very small subset of patients with a systemic SS phenotype characterised by a significant frequency of active patients in most clinical ESSDAI domains but with a relative low frequency of the highest severe organ-specific involvements. Primary SS still remains the best clinical diagnosis for this subset of patients.
Tárgyszavak:Orvostudományok Klinikai orvostudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
primary Sjögren's syndrome
isolated La/SSB autoantibodies
anti-Ro/SSA antibodies
systemic disease
big data
Megjelenés:Clinical and Experimental Rheumatology. - 38 : 4 (2020), p. 85-94. -
További szerzők:Horváth Ildikó Fanny (1980-) (belgyógyász, allergológus, klinikai immunológus) Mandl, Thomas Priori, Roberta Vissink, Arjan Hernandez-Molina, Gabriela Armagan, Berkan Praprotnik, Sonja Sebastian, Agata Bartoloni, Elena Rischmueller, Maureen Pasoto, Sandra Nordmark, Gunnel Nakamura, Hideki Fernandes Moça Trevisani, Virginia Retamozo, Soledad Carsons, Steven E. Maure-Noia, B. Sánchez-Berná, I. López-Dupla, Miguel Fonseca-Aizpuru, Eva Melchor Díaz, S. Vázquez, Marta Díaz Cuiza, P. E. Miguel Campo, B. de Ng, Wan Fai Rasmussen, Astrid Dong, X. Li, X. Baldini, Chiara Seror, Raphaele Gottenberg, Jacques-Eric Kruize, Aike A. Sandhya, Pulukool Gandolfo, Saviana Kwok, Seung-Ki Kvarnstrom, Marika Solans, Roser Sene, Damien Suzuki, Yasunori Isenberg, David A. Valim, Valeria Hofauer, Benedikt Giacomelli, Roberto Devauchelle-Pensec, Valerie Atzeni, F. Gheita, Tamer A. Morel, Jacques Izzo, R. Kalyoncu, U. Szántó Antónia (1977-) (belgyógyász, allergológus és klinikai immunológus) Olsson, Peter Bootsma, Hendrika Ramos-Casals, Manuel Kostov, Belchin Brito-Zerón, Pilar Sjögren Big Data Consortium
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