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001-es BibID:BIBFORM092927
Első szerző:Juhász Lajos (biológia-földrajz szakos tanár)
Cím:Nesting characteristics and the effect of main influencing factors of wood pigeon (columba palumbus l.) in an urban environment / Juhász Lajos, Gyüre Péter, Varga Sámuel Zsolt
Megjegyzések:The Wood pigeon (Columba palumbus) is a widespread columbid species in Europe. Since the breakthrough of its habitat, this cautious bird became an urban species such as the Eurasian Collared Dove. The colonization into human altered habitats started from Western Europe, and became common in Central Europe - and such as in Hungary - 20 years ago. In the Eastern regions of Hungary, population increased significantly in the last decades. Our study was carried out in the second largest city of Hungary (Debrecen). Our main questions were: What are the main characteristics of nesting strategy in the case of Wood Pigeons in an urban environment? Which urban habitat types are the most suitable for successful nesting? How can this species be adapted to urban environmental circumstances? During fieldwork, we recorded the position and density of nests on typical habitats of the city. To achieve this, we set up 10 representative sampling sites. We recorded the nest height, 79 34th IUGB Congress 2019, Kaunas, Lithuania, 26-30th August 2019 nesting tree species and tree height. Traffic intensity was also recorded during the research. We separated six different urban habitats and four traffic intensity categories during the evaluation of nest with a sum of 150. We also set up General Linear Models to express the possible nest site preferences. Nest height was tested with the factors of tree height, traffic, habitat type, and position. Our research revealed that the nest height varies along an urban gradient. In areas with a high building density, nests were built significantly higher than in rural and residential areas. Nest height was also influenced by traffic. As higher level of traffic was presented, Wood Pigeons are started building their nests higher into the branches, but in controversy extreme low nesting was observed at high traffic areas. The increasing number of nests, even on highly disturbed areas, also proved the continuous spread of the species. In tree species selection, 19 tree species were recorded, the top three most commonly used trees were Celtis occidentalis (22.66%, n=34), Tilia sp. (15.33%, n=23) and Acer sp. (14.66%, n=22) out of the sum of 150 observed nests. Though Wood pigeons preferred areas with low or negligible traffic (70.09%, n=106), our model expressed that they usually nest higher at lower traffic levels. It also revealed that nest height is significantly influenced by tree height (p<0.01), traffic (p<0.01), habitat type, (p<0.01) and position (p<0.05).
Tárgyszavak:Természettudományok Biológiai tudományok előadáskivonat
Megjelenés:34th IUGB Congress: Wildlife: Coexistence or Opposite : Book of Extended Abstracts. - p. 78-79
További szerzők:Gyüre Péter (1974-) (agrármérnök) Varga Sámuel Zsolt (1991-) (természetvédelmi mérnök)
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