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001-es BibID:BIBFORM093933
Első szerző:Virginaş, Annamaria
Cím:Neonatal outcome after fresh versus frozen embryo transfer in normogonadotropic healthy young women undergoing IVF = Caracteristicile neonatale după transfer de embrioni fresh sau congelaţi la paciente normogonadotrope, tinere şi sănătoase / Annamaria Virginaş, Bogdan Cârstea, Szidonia Koszeghi, Istvan Barna Nagy, Zolna Virginas, Tamas Korosi, Gabor Vajta
ISSN:2344-2301 2457-3566
Megjegyzések:Purpose. To assess if the frozen-thawed embryo transfer (FET) results in better birth outcomes than fresh embryo transfer (ET). Methodology. Our retrospective study in?volved women undergoing in vitro fertilization (IVF) between 2017 and 2019 using autologous eggs and having a singleton pregnancy delivered from the 37th week onward at an IVF centre in T©argu-Mure₀s. The study included 121 and 95 patients with fresh and frozen embryo transfer, res?pec?tive?ly. Furthermore, patients with normal BMI, non-smokers and aged under 40 years old were included. We compared the rates of mean birth weight, low birth weight (LBW <2.5 kg) and high birth weight (HBW>4 kg), after fresh versus fro?zen embryo transfer in normogonadotropic healthy young women undergoing IVF. Results. The mean neonatal birth weight was higher after FET than after ET (3316 g FET ver?sus 3154 g ET). The result of the trial suggested that the FET protocol was associated with significantly lower rates of LBW (16.8% FET versus 21.4% ET; p<0.05) and with higher rates of macrosomia (5.2% FET versus 0.8% ET; p<0.03) than the fresh ET protocol. The assessment of 216 babies showed no statistically significant difference in the mode of de?li?very (C-section versus vaginal birth) and sex of live born between the two study groups. Conclusions. The risk of high birth weight following frozen/thawed embryo transfer was greater than that following fresh embryo transfer, but the risk of low birth weight among frozen/thawed embryo transfer neonates was significantly decreased in comparison with fresh embryo transfer neonates.
Tárgyszavak:Orvostudományok Klinikai orvostudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
frozen thawed embryo transfer
fresh embryo transfer
neonatal outcome
young women
Megjelenés:Ginecologia ro. - 8 : 28 (2020), p. 1-7. -
További szerzők:Cârstea, Bogdan Koszeghi Szidonia Nagy Istvan Barna Virginás Zolna (1976-) (Biológus) Kőrösi Tamás Vajta Gábor
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