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001-es BibID:BIBFORM094902
Első szerző:Sánta Tamás Csaba (szociálpolitikus)
Cím:Youngsters who are not in employment, education or training / Sánta Tamás
ISSN:1419-0222 2064-5929
Megjegyzések:Th is paper primarily focuses on the NEET (Not in Employment, Education or Training) phenomenon in Hungary, and also on the target group designated by the term. Th e study tries to walk around the concept of the NEET, and also this problematic phenomenon because this is a less published area in Hungary although the international literature on the subject is copious. Th e study designates the target group, it seeks to provide a defi nition of the concept, and it separates the NEET community from those who suff er from similar problems in Hungary but do not fall under the defi nition of NEET. In the second part of the work, data will be presented about the size of the NEET group. Th e study draws on current international data but also presents data on the size of the Hungarian NEET population. Comparing these statistics highlights the vulnerability of this special group. In the fi nal part, the study seeks to demonstrate the importance of researching and tackling NEET issues from a Social Policy and Social Psychology point of view. During the study, besides the relatively few Hungarian literatures, I relied on papers written in the English language where the topic is presented, the defi nition is made, the target group is defi ned and also where the theme is generally introduced.
Tárgyszavak:Társadalomtudományok Szociológiai tudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény hazai lapban
vulnerable youth
Megjelenés:Belvedere Meridionale. - 28 : 2 (2016), p. 120-131. -
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