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001-es BibID:BIBFORM094947
Első szerző:Máté Domicián (közgazdász, informatika tanár)
Cím:Moderating effects of global warming on emission, food security and productivity / Domicián Máté, Adam Novotny, Daniel Francois Meyer
Megjegyzések:This article aims to examine the direct and moderating effects of global warming on output (GDP) growth to gain insights into the context of Sustainable Development Goals. The novelty of this approach is to treat the phenomenon of global warming in a dynamic panel regression approach, which relies on data between 2000 and 2017. We found that worldwide warming is exacerbating the frequency and severity of natural disasters and also exploring the effects and implications of phenomena on billions of people. The study highlights the complex effects of temperature rise and the interrelationships between socio-economic and environmental issues.
Tárgyszavak:Társadalomtudományok Közgazdaságtudományok előadáskivonat
climate change mitigation
food security
sustainable development
productivity growth
panel data analysis
Megjelenés:"New trends in management and production enhgineering - regional, cross-border and global perspectives : Book of abstracts. - p. 35.
További szerzők:Novotny Ádám (1975-) (angol nyelv és irodalom szakos tanár, közgazdász) Meyer, Daniel Francois (1976-) (közgazdász)
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