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001-es BibID:BIBFORM095017
Első szerző:Drotár Nikolett (gimnáziumi tanár)
Cím:Kulturális értékek, mint turisztikai imázs elemek a Kárpát-medence észak-keleti részén / Drotár Nikolett, Hanusz Árpád
Megjegyzések:The research actuality is that, the tourist arrivals drop can be registered in Transcarpathia, which leads to long-term economic problems for four years. We tried to search that, which are the images elements of the area could increase the attractiveness of the area. Hypotheses include: significant difference can be detected between local residents, tourists and professionals within the currently established in respect of image. The region of North-East Hungary had a positive tourist image, but the population has more positive image than the tourist. We wanted to prove that the common cultural values still are positive image elements which the change in external conditions override. The widest possible dissemination of research results could restore the dominance of the former elements of the image of the region and with the restoration of tourism could preserve the quality of the life of the people living in Transcarpathia.
Tárgyszavak:Természettudományok Földtudományok tanulmány, értekezés
Megjelenés:Magyarok a Kárpát-medencében 2. / szerk. Szónokyné Ancsin Gabriella. - p. 219-232. -
További szerzők:Hanusz Árpád
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