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001-es BibID:BIBFORM096241
Első szerző:Valdés-Correcher, Elena
Cím:Search for top-down and bottom-up drivers of latitudinal trends in insect herbivory in oak trees in Europe / Elena Valdés-Correcher, Xoaquín Moreira, Laurent Augusto, Luc Barbaro, Christophe Bouget, Olivier Bouriaud, Manuela Branco, Giada Centenaro, György Csóka, Thomas Damestoy, Jovan Dobrosavljević, Mihai-Leonard Duduman, Anne-Maïmiti Dulaurent, Csaba B. Eötvös, Maria Faticov, Marco Ferrante, Ágnes Fürjes-Mikó, Andrea Galmán, Martin M. Gossner, Arndt Hampe, Deborah Harvey, Andrew Gordon Howe, Yasmine Kadiri, Michèle Kaennel-Dobbertin, Julia Koricheva, Alexander Kozel, Mikhail V. Kozlov, Gábor L. Lövei, Daniela Lupaștean, Slobodan Milanović, Anna Mrazova, Lars Opgennoorth, Juha-Matti Pitkänen, Anna Popova, Marija Popović, Andreas Prinzing, Valentin Queloz, Tomas Roslin, Aurélien Sallé, Katerina Sam, Michael Scherer-Lorenzen, Andreas Schuldt, Andrey Selikhovkin, Lassi Suominen, Ayco J. M. Tack, Marketa Tahadlova, Rebecca Thomas, Bastien Castagneyrol
Megjegyzések:Abstract Aim: The strength of species interactions is traditionally expected to increase toward the Equator. However, recent studies have reported opposite or inconsistent latitudinal trends in the bottom-up (plant quality) and top-down (natural enemies) forces driving herbivory. In addition, these forces have rarely been studied together thus limiting previous attempts to understand the effect of large-scale climatic gradients on herbivory. Location: Europe. Time period: 2018?2019. Major taxa studied: Quercus robur. Methods: We simultaneously tested for latitudinal variation in plant?herbivore?natural enemy interactions. We further investigated the underlying climatic factors associated with variation in herbivory, leaf chemistry and attack rates in Quercus robur across its complete latitudinal range in Europe. We quantified insect leaf damage and the incidence of specialist herbivores as well as leaf chemistry and bird attack rates on dummy caterpillars on 261 oak trees. Results: Climatic factors rather than latitude per se were the best predictors of the large-scale (geographical) variation in the incidence of gall-inducers and leaf-miners as well as in leaf nutritional content. However, leaf damage, plant chemical defences (leaf phenolics) and bird attack rates were not influenced by climatic factors or latitude. The incidence of leaf-miners increased with increasing concentrations of hydrolysable tannins, whereas the incidence of gall-inducers increased with increasing leaf soluble sugar concentration and decreased with increasing leaf C : N ratios and lignins. However, leaf traits and bird attack rates did not vary with leaf damage. Main conclusions: These findings help to refine our understanding of the bottom-up and top-down mechanisms driving geographical variation in plant?herbivore interactions, and indicate the need for further examination of the drivers of herbivory on trees.
Tárgyszavak:Természettudományok Biológiai tudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
artificial prey
avian insectivory
leaf chemistry
plant defences
Megjelenés:Global Ecology And Biogeography. - 30 : 3 (2021), p. 651-665. -
További szerzők:Moreira, Xoaquín Augusto, Laurent Barbaro, Luc Bouget, Christophe Bouriaud, Olivier Branco, Manuela Centenaro, Giada Csóka György Damestoy, Thomas Dobrosavljević, Jovan Duduman, Mihai-Leonard Dulaurent, Anne-Maïmiti Eötvös Csaba Béla (1987-) (ökológus) Faticov, Maria Ferrante, Marco Fürjes-Mikó Ágnes Galmán Andrea Gossner, Martin M. Hampe, Arndt Harvey, Deborah Gordon Howe, Andrew Kadiri, Yasmine Kaennel-Dobbertin, Michèle Koricheva, Julia Kozel, Alexander Kozlov, Mikhail V. Lövei Gábor L. (1954-) (Ökológus) Lupaștean, Daniela Milanović, Slobodan Mrazova, Anna Opgennoorth, Lars Pitkänen, Juha-Matti Popova, Anna Popović, Marija Prinzing, Andreas Queloz, Valentin Roslin, Tomas V. Sallé, Aurélien Sam, Katerina Scherer-Lorenzen, Michael Schuldt, Andreas Selikhovkin, Andrey Suominen, Lassi Tack, Ayco J. M. Tahadlová, Markéta Thomas, Rebecca Castagneyrol, Bastien
Pályázati támogatás:ANR-10-LABX-45
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