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001-es BibID:BIBFORM096467
Első szerző:Jiang, Baohong
Cím:Drug for treating artery-related diseases, and use thereof / Jiang Baohong, Zhang Xianjing, Ding Yuchao, Zhai Ziyi
Megjegyzések:Provided are a drug for treating artery-related diseases and the use thereof. Specifically, provided are the use of a class of compounds of formula I in the treatment of artery-related diseases. Experiments show that the compounds of formula I have a significant effect on aneurysm, intermural hematoma and/or arterial dissection.
Tárgyszavak:Orvostudományok Elméleti orvostudományok szabadalom
oltalmi forma
További szerzők:Zhang, Xianjing Ding, Yuchao (1995-) (Ph.D. hallgató) Zhai, Ziyi
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