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001-es BibID:BIBFORM096513
Első szerző:Auricchio, Renata
Cím:Growth rate of coeliac children is compromised before the onset of the disease / Auricchio Renata, Stellato Pio, Bruzzese Dario, Cielo Donatella, Chiurazzi Alfredo, Galatola Martina, Castillejo Gemma, Crespo Escobar Paula, Gyimesi Judith, Hartman Corina, Kolacek Sanja, Koletzko Sybille, Korponay-Szabo Ilma, Mearin Maria Luisa, Meijer Caroline, Piescik-Lech Malgoscia, Polanco Isabel, Ribes-Koninckx Carmen, Shamir Raanan, Szajewska Hania, Troncone Riccardo, Greco Luigi
Megjegyzések:Introduction: Growth impairment has often been described in children who develop coeliac disease (CD). Based on data from the multicentre, longitudinal PreventCD study, we analysed the growth patterns of infants at genetic risk of CD, comparing those who developed CD by 6 years of age (CD 'cases', 113 infants) versus those who did not develop CD by 6 years (no CD 'controls', 831 infants). Methods: Weight and length/height were measured using a longitudinal protocol. Raw measurements were standardised, computing z-scores for length/height and weight; a linear mixed model was fitted to the data in order to compare the rate of growth in the two cohorts. Results: Neither cases nor controls had significant growth failure. However, when the mean z-scores for weight and height were analysed, there was a difference between the two groups starting at fourth month of life. When the growth pattern in the first year was analysed longitudinally using mixed models, it emerged that children who develop CD had a significantly lower growth rate in weight z-score (-0.028/month; 95% CI -0.038 to -0.017; p<0.001) and in length/height z-score (-0.018/month; 95% CI -0.031 to -0.005; p=0.008) than those who do not develop CD. When the whole follow-up period was analysed (0-6 years), differences between groups in both weight and length/height z-scores were confirmed. Conclusion: The growth of children at risk of CD rarely fell below 'clinical standards'. However, growth rate was significantly lower in cases than in controls. Our data suggest that peculiar pathways of growth are present in children who develop CD, long before any clinical or serological signs of the disease appear
Tárgyszavak:Orvostudományok Klinikai orvostudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
paediatric practice
coeliac disease
Megjelenés:Archives Of Disease In Childhood. - 105 : 10 (2020), p. 964-968. -
További szerzők:Stellato, Pio Bruzzese, Dario Cielo, Donatella Chiurazzi, Alfredo Galatola, Martina Castillejo, Gemma (gyermekgyógyász, gasztroenterológus) Crespo-Escobar, Paula Gyimesi Judit Hartman, Corina Kolaček, Sanja Koletzko, Sibylle Korponay-Szabó Ilma (1959-) (gyermekgyógyász) Mearin, Maria Luisa Meijer, Caroline R. Pieścik-Lech, Magorzata Polanco, Isabel Ribes-Koninckx, Carmen Shamir, Raanan (gyermekgyógyász) Szajewska, Hania (gyermekgyógyász) Troncone, Riccardo Greco, Luigi
Pályázati támogatás:EU- FP6-2005- FOOD4B- contract no. 03638
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