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001-es BibID:BIBFORM096678
035-os BibID:(WoS)000238489700005 (Scopus)33744946792
Első szerző:The OPAL Collaboration
Cím:QCD coherence and correlations of particles with restricted momenta in hadronic Z decays / The OPAL Collaboration
Megjegyzések:QCD coherence effects are studied based on measurements of correlations of particles with either restricted transverse momenta, p(T) < p(T)(cut), where p(T) is defined with respect to the thrust axis, or restricted absolute momenta, p equivalent to vertical bar p vertical bar < p(cut), using about four million hadronic Z decays recorded at LEP with the OPAL detector. The correlations are analyzed in terms of normalized factorial and cumulant moments. The analysis is inspired by analytical QCD calculations which, in conjunction with Local Parton-Hadron Duality (LPHD), predict that, due to colour coherence, the multiplicity distribution of particles with restricted transverse momenta should become Poissonian as pcut decreases. The expected correlation pattern is indeed observed down to p(T)(cut) approximate to 1 GeV but not at lower transverse momenta. Furthermore, for p(cut) -> 0 GeV a strong rise is observed in the data, in disagreement with theoretical expectation. The Monte Carlo models reproduce well the measurements at large p(T)(cut) and p(cut) but underestimate their magnitudes at the lowest momenta. The e(+)e(-) data are also compared to the measurements in deep-inelastic e(+)p collisions at HERA. It is shown that for soft particles, the often assumed equivalence of a single hemisphere in e+e- annihilation with the current region in the Breit frame of a deep-inelastic collision may be misleading. Our study indicates difficulties with the LPHD hypothesis when applied to many-particle inclusive observables of soft hadrons.
Tárgyszavak:Természettudományok Fizikai tudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
Megjelenés:Physics Letters B. - 638 : 1 (2006), p. 30-38. -
További szerzők:Dienes Beatrix (1972-) (élettanász, molekuláris biológus) Hajdú Csaba Horváth Dezső (1966-) (kémikus) Krasznahorkay Attila (Jr.) Trócsányi Zoltán (1961-) (fizikus) Ujvári Balázs (1977-) (fizikus) Vértesi Róbert
Pályázati támogatás:T-038240
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