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001-es BibID:BIBFORM096765
Első szerző:Sütő László (geográfus)
Cím:Antropogén bolygatottság a Bükk-vidéken / Sütő László, Balogh Szabolcs, Rózsa Péter
Megjegyzések:Studying the anthropogenic disturbance of a protected area is an actual task that could help the operation of nature protection functions. Conditions in the Bükk Region were preferable for human settlement. Nowadays, however, the nature protection aims of the national park prevail. Our reserach plan sets the target of studying the constraints and extent of anthropogenic effects in both space and time. The Human Influence Index is selected to detect the above. The index modified by us was calculated on the basis of the digitized material of 5 mappings using geoinformatic methods. Results were plotted on disturbance maps. Results reveal the increasing grade of anthropogenic effects along the major routes of movement in the Bükk Region. Spatial spreading, however, shows a specific fluctuation corresponding to the utilisation of resources and potential energies
Tárgyszavak:Természettudományok Földtudományok könyvfejezet
antropogén bolygatottság
Emberi Hatásindex
Megjelenés:Földrajzi Tanulmányok 2018 / szerk. Fazekas István, Kiss Emőke, Lázár István. - p. 239-241. -
További szerzők:Balogh Szabolcs (1992-) (geográfus) Rózsa Péter (1956-) (petrográfus)
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