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001-es BibID:BIBFORM097046
Első szerző:Hajdu Zita (történelem-angol szakos tanár)
Cím:Developing Intercultural Competencies in Foreign Language Education / Hajdu Zita
Megjegyzések:As studying a foreign language establishes an on-going connection with the given culture language classes provide a natural environment for developing cross-cultural communication skills. One of the tasks of foreign language classes is to prepare students for the assignments of the employee selection process including tests in intercultural competencies. Apart from possessing foreign language proficiency recent graduates are expected to be conversant with the target culture, furthermore being open, receptive and tolerant towards other cultures. Before designing the curriculum for the English language Intercultural Communication Competencies course , we examine how much the would-be students, who have not completed cross-cultural studies before, are aware of the importance of cross-cultural communication skills in employment, the interactions between language and culture, or the importance of knowing their own culture. We also want to find out how familiar they are with the non-verbal communication tools. A further area of study is how much they know about soft skills and the role of intercultural competencies in improving them. The paper also deals with the economic and social benefits of cross-cultural studies and communication.
Tárgyszavak:Bölcsészettudományok Nyelvtudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény hazai lapban
Megjelenés:Porta Lingua. - 15 (2016), p. 53-64. -
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