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001-es BibID:BIBFORM097139
Első szerző:Pierog Anita (gazdasági agrármérnök)
Cím:A működés és a források kapcsolódása civil szervezetekben = Connection of sources and operation in civil organizations / Pierog Anita
Megjegyzések:My study analyses the operation of Civil Organizations, which is a controversial field in the financing world. The target group of my former and future research is this particular sphere. The social and economical importance of these organizations is incontrovertible and this is the main reason why I chose this organizational form to study and to work at. My survey presents the status of CO-s in Hungary. The number of Civil Organizations increased sixfold since the democratic transformation in 1989, which is a significant change. My study is on the Hajdú-Bihar county located CO's. Nearly 3000 CO operates in the 72 settlements of this county, a sufficient number to contact and to support the study. Up to the present I surveyed their budget and sources by asking them filling out questionnaires. In order to substantiate or refute the results of the survey, I made in-depth interviews with superior bodies.
Tárgyszavak:Társadalomtudományok Gazdálkodás- és szervezéstudományok magyar nyelvű folyóiratközlemény hazai lapban
Megjelenés:A Virtuális Intézet Közép-Európa Kutatására Közleményei. - 2 : 3-4 (2010), p. 119-125. -
Internet cím:Intézményi repozitóriumban (DEA) tárolt változat
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