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001-es BibID:BIBFORM098085
Első szerző:Aszalós László (matematikus)
Cím:Literate programming in education / László Aszalós, Mária Bakó
Megjegyzések:Documentation is one of the Achilles heals of programming. Unless the programmer is working within very specific requirements, the source text constantly changes and the documentation must keep track of this. The user is usually interested in the installation guide and the user manual. Thirdparty developers need the description of interfaces (APIs) to be well done so they can build on top of it, whilst internal developers need access to a detailed description of the system (class, status and sequence diagrams, as well as comments in the source text). Recently, testers have been employed to work alongside developers, and they need a test plan as well as an implementation log. The whole development is underpinned by a list of requirements, and any plans based upon them (usually in the form of UML diagrams). Once everything is ready, the whole project is closed down by a report. Even if the attributes and methods of a class are specified, there is no detailed descriptions on how these are to be implemented. The programmer is trusted with making these decisions. However, this freedom means that a week after implementing a method, they may no longer recall why they made those specific design decisions, and why does the algorithm work the way it does. Knuth suggested a method at the beginning of the 80s to solve this problem, and whilst this was not a breakthrough within the industry, the authors believe that it would be a great tool for teaching programming.
Tárgyszavak:Műszaki tudományok Informatikai tudományok előadáskivonat
Megjelenés:XXXII DIDMATTECH 2019 : Proceedings : New Methods and Technologies in Education and Practice / Ed. Veronika Stoffová, Roman Horváth. - p. 1-6. -
További szerzők:Bakó Mária (1970-) (matematika-informatika tanár)
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