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001-es BibID:BIBFORM099809
Első szerző:M. Császár Zsuzsa
Cím:The impact of the spending habits of international students on the economy of university students - case stufy: Hungary / Zsuzsa M. Császár, Károly Teperics, Tamás Á. Wusching, Ferenc Győri, Levente Alpek, Klára Czimre, Anna Sályi, Arnold Koltai
Megjegyzések:This paper discusses how the presence of international students is materialized in economic benefits for a university, university city, and destination country. These benefits are directly realized in tuition fees and living costs. Money spent on accommodation, living costs, recreation, and transport has a positive effect on the local economy. Together with tuition fees, they indirectly contribute to the gross domestic product and job creation. Besides evidence found in related international literature, our research team focused on providing local experience. Our empirical research, which was carried out in three major university cities in Hungary, found that international students spend 47,478,301 euros annually, maintain 13,200 jobs (one student "finances'' 1.2 jobs) and contribute to 0.47% of the three counties' gross domestic product. Their presence, therefore, is a significant factor in bolstering economy on an international scale.
Tárgyszavak:Természettudományok Földtudományok konferenciacikk
international students
economic impact
Hungarian regional university centres
Megjelenés:Interdisciplinary Management Research. - 15 (2019), p. 562-585. -
További szerzők:Teperics Károly (1963-) (geográfus) Wusching Á. Tamás Győri Ferenc Alpek Levente Czimre Klára (1974-) (geográfus) Sályi Anna Koltai Arnold
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