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001-es BibID:BIBFORM100318
035-os BibID:(cikkazonosító)100280 (WoS)000763825300031 (Scopus)85124376583
Első szerző:Takácsné Hájos Mária (kertészmérnök)
Cím:Evaluation of bioactive compounds in leaf and root of five beetroot varieties / Takács-Hájos Mária, Vargas-Rubóczki Tímea
Megjegyzések:Natural compounds are essential in modern nutrition for preventing chronic diseases in the human body. The bioactive substances in 5 beetroot cultivars' leaves and roots were evaluated in the experiment, providing an answer to which stage (60th, 85th, and 105th) of the vegetation is most suitable for fresh consumption. The results show that the polyphenol, flavonoid, and FRAP levels in the leaf and root samples varied throughout the vegetation period. The 60-day old leaf samples of 'Libero' had the highest total polyphenol content. The flavonoid content showed a similar trend. Furthermore, the highest FRAP value was found in leaf samples from 'Libero' and 'Pablo F1' that were 60 days old. In 85-day-old plants, the polyphenol content of the leaves was significantly reduced. On day 85, however, a value was slightly higher in the roots. These findings support the nutritional value of the 85-day-old beetroot (leaves and 3-5 cm diameter roots). At the 85-day stage, the leaf and root had a relatively low nitrate content (10-70 mg/kg). However, higher nitrate content was detected at the end of the growing period (105 days). The experiment demonstrated that beet leaves can be used as a component of fresh salads on the 60th day of the growing season because the amount of bioactive substances (polyphenols, flavanoids) is highest at that time. By the 85th day of growth, the root had grown to 4-5 cm in diameter, and the tissue structure of the leaves is edible (it can be eaten raw), making it ideal for batch sales. By the end of the growing season (day 105), the root has been strengthened, and its bioactive substances have been reduced by up to 1/3 compared to the previous state (85 days), resulting in a decrease in the amount of bioactive substances.
Tárgyszavak:Agrártudományok Növénytermesztési és kertészeti tudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
dry matter
nitrate content
Megjelenés:Journal of Agriculture and Food Research. - 7 (2022), p. 1-8. -
További szerzők:Rubóczki Tímea (1989-) (kertészmérnök)
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