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001-es BibID:BIBFORM100672
Első szerző:Mizsei Edvárd (biológus ökológus)
Cím:How to jump ahead if you know nothing? Case studies from the Greek meadow viper (Vipera ursinii graeca) conservation project / Edvárd Mizsei, Márton Szabolcs, Balázs Vági, Szabolcs Lengyel
Megjegyzések:The Greek meadow viper is one of the most threatened and least known vipers in Europe. After six years of intensive research in Albania (distribution mapping, population density estimations, genetics, ethnoconservation), we analyse what have been done, how it should have been done, and how we should do in the future. We compiled and tested a species distribution model, and found seven new populations. We observed high population densities, but low genetic variability. The most common threat was overgrazing. We established grazing exclusion sites and we raised awareness of local shepherds to promote the conservation this rare snake.
Tárgyszavak:Természettudományok Biológiai tudományok előadáskivonat
Megjelenés:Student Conference on Conservation Science : SCCS Hungary 2015 Abstracts. - p. 1
További szerzők:Szabolcs Márton Vági Balázs (1984-) (biológus, herpetológus) Lengyel Szabolcs (1971-) (biológus)
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