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001-es BibID:BIBFORM100880
035-os BibID:(cikkazonosító)565 (WoS)000763825300031 (Scopus)85127334558
Első szerző:Meften, Ghazi Abed
Cím:Nonlinear Stability and Linear Instability of Double-Diffusive Convection in a Rotating with LTNE Effects and Symmetric Properties: Brinkmann-Forchheimer Model / Ghazi Abed Meften, Ali Hasan Ali, Khalil S. Al-Ghafri, Jan Awrejcewicz, Omar Bazighifan
Megjegyzések:The major finding of this paper is studying the stability of a double diffusive convection using the so-called local thermal non-equilibrium (LTNE) effects. A new combined model that we call it a Brinkmann-Forchheimer model was considered in this inquiry. Using both linear and non-linear stability analysis, a double diffusive convection is used in a saturated rotating porous layer when fluid and solid phases are not in the state of local thermal non-equilibrium. In addition, we discussed several related topics such as the effect of solute Rayleigh number, symmetric properties, Brinkman coefficient, Taylor number, inter-phase heat transfer coefficient on the stability of the system, and porosity modified conductivity ratio. Moreover, two cases were investigated in non-linear theory, the case of the Forchheimer coefficient F = 0 and the case of the Taylor-Darcy number tau = 0. For the validation of this work, some numerical experiments were made in the non-linear energy stability and the linear instability theories.
Tárgyszavak:Természettudományok Matematika- és számítástudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
Megjelenés:Symmetry. - 14 : 3 (2022), p. 1-13. -
További szerzők:Ali, Ali Hasan (1989-) (matematikus) Al-Ghafri, Khalil S. Awrejcewicz, Jan Bazighifan, Omar
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