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001-es BibID:BIBFORM101530
035-os BibID:(cikkazonosító)1351 (WoS)000785052600001 (Scopus)85128178435
Első szerző:Varga Ádám (sebész)
Cím:Interspecies Diversity of Osmotic Gradient Deformability of Red Blood Cells in Human and Seven Vertebrate Animal Species / Adam Varga, Adam Attila Matrai, Barbara Barath, Adam Deak, Laszlo Horvath, Norbert Nemeth
Megjegyzések:Plasma and blood osmolality values show interspecies differences and are strictly regulated. The effect of these factors also has an influence on microrheological parameters, such as red blood cell (RBC) deformability and aggregation. However, little is known about the interspecies differences in RBC deformability at various blood osmolality levels (osmotic gradient RBC deformability). Our aim was to conduct a descriptive-comparative study on RBC osmotic gradient deformability in several vertebrate species and human blood. Blood samples were taken from healthy volunteers, dogs, cats, pigs, sheep, rabbits, rats, and mice, to measure hematological parameters, as well as conventional and osmotic gradient RBC deformability. Analyzing the elongation index (EI)-osmolality curves, we found the highest maximal EI values (EI max) in human, dog, and rabbit samples. The lowest EI max values were seen in sheep and cat samples, in addition to a characteristic leftward shift of the elongation index-osmolality curves. We found significant differences in the hyperosmolar region. A correlation of mean corpuscular volume and mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration with osmoscan parameters was found. Osmotic gradient deformability provides further information for better exploration of microrheological diversity between species and may help to better understand the alterations caused by osmolality changes in various disorders.
Tárgyszavak:Orvostudományok Elméleti orvostudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
red blood cell deformability
osmotic gradient deformability
interspecies diversity
Megjelenés:Cells. - 11 : 8 (2022), p. 1-15. -
További szerzők:Mátrai Ádám Attila (1997-) (klinikai laboratóriumi kutató) Baráth Barbara (1993-) (tudományos segédmunkatárs) Deák Ádám (1974-) (állatorvos) Horváth László (1973-) (gyógyszerész) Németh Norbert (1975-) (kutatóorvos)
Pályázati támogatás:NKFI-1 ?OTKA" K-139184
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