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001-es BibID:BIBFORM102012
Első szerző:Kóti Tibor (terület és településfejlesztő geográfus)
Cím:Spatial differences regarding the chance to leave supported public employment in Hungary's rural periphery / Kóti Tibor
ISSN:2063-9538 2064-8243
Megjegyzések:Time has passed since unified supported public employment was introduced in Hungary in 2011, thus enabling an analysis of the efficienc y of the programme, using exact quantitative and qualitative methods. The present paper aims to comprehensively study the most significan t employment policy measure in Hungary (supported public employment) with special regard to its efficiency. The paper studies the chances of integration with the open labour market, which is the open aim of supported public employment, in well-defined periphery areas. Based on qualitative analyses, the spatial structure of supported public employment, or the supported public employment rate, is presented with a situation in which public employees are supported in the labour market. This includes regional development's effects on periphera l areas and the budget's appropriateness. Based on quantitative analyses, it is discovered tha t one critical factor impeding integration into the open (alternative) labour market is atypical employment and its obstacles. Analysing the supported public employment programme's efficiency reveals a ma jor issue in the high numbe r of people in supported public employment, as the value of the lockin indicator was highe r than 80% in the 603 settlements studied in 2017. The present paper discusses the possible exposition of factors behind this lock-in, and its special cases have also been studied, (including age, gender, and qualifications). Supported public employment currently provides an opportunity to improve disadvantaged people's policy-related employment conditions by increasing employment. This also includes strategic rural, socio political, and regional development aspects. The study's national strategic role is reflected in that the conclusions drawn from the data may illustrate a way to develop strategies to support public employment programmes with appropriate quality.
Tárgyszavak:Társadalomtudományok Regionális tudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény hazai lapban
lock-in rural areas
regional differences
periphery areas
disadvanta ged
Megjelenés:Regional Statistics. - 8 : 2 (2018), p. 109-134. -
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