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001-es BibID:BIBFORM102272
Első szerző:Bocsi Veronika (oktatáskutató, szociológus, nevelésszociológus)
Cím:Students' Integration into the Academic World / Veronika Bocsi, Tamás Botrágyi
ISSN:2069-7449 2248-0854
Megjegyzések:The purpose of the study is to analyse those effects of academic value preferences of students which are related to institutional behaviour, integration, and learning. The mass higher education system made the pattern of the attitudes far more modulated towards the higher education and it called forth those layers which are very far from the elitist concept. Veroszta's analysis (2010) draws attention to the extant diverse values in Hungarian higher education, whilst in the international specialized literature we can read about - among others - the complex mode of action of the trend of marketization (Bok 2003). For the quantitative analysis, we used the part of the database of the HERD research1 which focused on the University of Debrecen (2012, N=1,118). The techniques which were applied are: cluster analysis, variance analysis, and cross-tabulation. The results indicate that among the current demonstrable concepts we can find elitist, pragmatic, and open ideas at the same time, and the students rated to those groups are showing dissimilar marks in the fields where they were researched. In the classical elitist sample, we can find the strands which are the most interconnected to the academic world; however, if we look at the peer connections, their integration is considered as imperfect.
Tárgyszavak:Bölcsészettudományok Neveléstudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
Megjelenés:Acta Universitatis Sapientiae. Social Analysis. - 3 : 2 (2013), p. 165-178. -
További szerzők:Botrágyi Tamás
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