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001-es BibID:BIBFORM103114
Első szerző:Simárszki Ádám (kulturális antropológus)
Cím:Endogámia és exogámia kettősége, mint a legfőbb görögkatolikus identitást megtartó erő a sajópálfalai esperesi kerület központi területén / Simárszki Ádám
Megjegyzések:THE DUALITY OF ENDOGAMY AND EXOGAMY, AS THE MAIN FORCE FOR MAINTAINING GREEK CATHOLIC IDENTITY IN THE CENTRAL AREA OF THE DECANAL DISTRICT OF SAJÓPÁLFALA The Greek Catholic population in the decanal district of Sajópálfala today is a mixed recruitment. On the one hand, the defining core is the now assimilated Ruthenians, who, although they have lost their language and ethnic identity, have preserved the religion of their ancestors. In turn, a significant number of Roma residents who have converted to Greek Catholicism are present in the decanal district. Thirdly, this religious community with marked characteristics is made up of Greek Catholic people from the Cserehát region. This study traces the process of change in marriage habits through the examination of registers. The results of the study suggest that the Greek Catholic population of Ruthenian origin functioned as an open community in the 18th century and followed an exogamous marriage practice. This trend reversed irself as the assimilation process took place and the practice of religious endogamy became increasingly prevalent. As religion becomes a determining factor in community identity religious endogamy becomes a key element.
Tárgyszavak:Bölcsészettudományok Néprajz és kulturális antropológiai tudományok magyar nyelvű folyóiratközlemény hazai lapban
Megjelenés:Néprajzi Látóhatár. - 29 : 1-2 (2020), p. 135-153. -
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