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001-es BibID:BIBFORM103381
Első szerző:Sramkó Gábor (biológus)
Cím:A hazai bókoló zsálya (Salvia nutans L.) populációk konzervációgenetikai összehasonlítása erdélyi és oroszországi populációkkal = Conservation genetic analysis of Transylvanian and Russian Nodding Sage (Salvia nutans L.) populations in comparison with the relict Hungarian populations. / Sramkó Gábor, Laczkó Levente
Megjegyzések:Nodding Sage (Salvia nutans) reaches the westernmost boundary of its distribution in Hungary (Fig. 1), where only two populations have survived. Whereas it was formerly a more widespread species in the Pannonian basin with occurrences in three landscape-regions (the Danube?Tisza Interfluve, southern Tisza Plain and Vojvodina in Serbia), it now has only two remaining natural populations surviving in the Körös-Maros National Park Directorate: one at settlement "Kondoros", another on the ancient earthwork "Tatársánc". The peculiar biogeographic position and the uniqueness of the species in Hungary have given this plant one of the highest conservation values in the country, with strict protection by the state. Therefore a great deal of effort is made to conserve this species in Hungary. In the light of these efforts, we try to answer the following conservation genetic questions in relation to the natural populations of Nodding Sage in Hungary (1) what are the main conservation genetic characteristics of the Hungarian populations, and (2) how do they relate to the more eastern populations of the same species. In order to gain a population genetic insight into the characteristics of Nodding Sage populations, we tried to transfer microsatellite (SSR) loci developed for Salvia officinalis ((Molecular Ecology Resources Primer Development et al., 2010; RADOSAVLJEVI℗C et al., 2011; RADOSAVLJEVI℗C et al., 2012). Of 20 potential loci, only six could be specifically amplified in Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) in our target species. These were labelled with fluorescence tails and used in PCRs, then the resulting products were run on a Genetic Analyser for fragment separation. We genotyped five populations of Salvia nutans for the specifically amplifiable SSR loci: the two Hungarian ones, two from the neighbouring area in Transylvania (central Romania), and one from Western Russia (see Fig. 1). Our results show a surprisingly high genetic diversity of the Hungarian populations (Table 3), moderate genetic differentiation between the studied populations (mean FST=0.06, see also Table 5), and low levels of inbreeding (Table 4). This last phenomenon might be explained by the highly specialised pollination syndrome of the genus Salvia, which tries to maximise outcrossing. The analysis of the effect of past population bottleneck events can only be shown for the Hungarian populations (Table 7). Regardless of this finding, it seems that the Hungarian populations still harbour substantial genetic diversity that may help conservation efforts, although unbiased Nei's genetic distance between these populations is zero. Since the seminal works of Rezső SOÓ (e.g., SOÓ 1931), Hungarian botany treats such westernmost occurrences of steppe plants as relicts of a postglacial hot and dry period believed to be western outposts of the more easterly area. If this supposition holds, we expect our Nodding Sage populations to be marginal and we hypothesise that they will be genetically highly differentiated and genetically depauperate (in terms of genetic diversity). In the light of our population genetics results from the westernmost part of the area, such a pattern is not evident. This raises the possibility that the western part of the area might not be the periphery of the distribution in historical aspect as expected from the "central-marginal" hypothesis (see PIRONON et al., 2015). However, clearly more populations and more loci are needed to explicitly test this preliminary phylogeographic finding. Although we were only able to specifically amplify a low number of loci in Salvia nutans, some explicit recommendations can be given for nature conservation in Hungary regarding the Hungarian populations of Nodding Sage. The apparent lack of genetic distance between the populations makes it possible to use both remaining populations as sources for establishing new, mixed populations, as we cannot expect "outbreeding depression". Also, for such conservation management actions, there is still significant genetic diversity in the Hungarian populations. Finally, the relatively high genetic differentiation between the Hungarian and Transylvanian populations suggests that Transylvanian genetic material should not be used in any future conservation work in Hungary.
Tárgyszavak:Természettudományok Biológiai tudományok magyar nyelvű folyóiratközlemény hazai lapban
központ-perem hipotézis
természetvédelmi kezelés
sztyeppei reliktum
mikroszatellitek átvitele
Megjelenés:Crisicum: A Körös-Maros Nemzeti Park Igazgatóság időszaki kiadványa. - 11 (2020), p. 111-125. -
További szerzők:Laczkó Levente (1992-) (biológus)
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