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001-es BibID:BIBFORM104769
Első szerző:Jakab Hedvig (orgonaművész)
Cím:Introduction to Keyboard Music Practice in the Early Music Era - Principles and Their Practical Implementation / Hedvig Jakab
Megjegyzések:This study focuses on the rich production from the late Renaissance to the Baroque period of early music for keyboard. During the performance of these works, because of the less than reliable sources, a number of problems arise, such as manuscript distribution, and the initial teething problems of printing. Sheet music and its interpretation add another trap for present-day performers for without knowledge of the interpretation practice of that era (articulation, phrasing, agogic, accentuation, ornamentation, fingering, pedalling) coupled with inadequate tools an incorrect style presentation is born. This study provides specific musical examples for the practical implementation of these principles.
Tárgyszavak:Művészetek Zeneművészet tanulmány, értekezés
Keyboard Music Practice
Early Music
Megjelenés:Studies in Music Pedagogy : The Methodological Revitalisation of Music Education / ed. Váradi Judit. - p. 267-296. -
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