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001-es BibID:BIBFORM105449
Első szerző:Ember István
Cím:The biomarker conception. Renewal of the molecular and predictive epidemiology / I. Ember, I. Kiss, J. Sandor, C. Varga, T. Varjas, Z. Gyongyi
Megjegyzések:More than a decade ago even the appearance of molecularepidemilogy as a distinct entity generated a serious storm in thescientific society. Several scientists completely rejected it, espe-cially some epidemiologists and public health experts. Primarily,the methodology of the classical molecular biology and geneticswere applied in the epidemiological studies on different diseases.Therefore the professionals of laboratory diagnostics and pathol-ogy criticized the new discipline. Recently, thefields and metod-ologies have been clearly segregated. Thefirst discipline has beeninterested in the (early) diagnosis, the molecular and predictiveepidemiology has invaded anotherfield, involving quantified riskassessment, the identification of the early, premorbid stage andhigh risk at the individual and group level. At present, the inves-tigation of individual susceptibility is also a newfield. The pur-poses, aims and criteria mentioned above require newly developedspecial, early, approximate biomarkers, and they should be com-pletely different from the diagnostic markers. Their applicationfequently means paralell use of more components in a mathemat-ically corrected way. It is especially characteristic to the malignanttumours, because specific distinctive cancer markers/biomarkersdo not exist. The aim is the identification of risks in largerpopulation, selection of the high-risk subpopulations, as subjectsof secondary prevention, screening and supply systems. This ac-tivity increases the efficiency, and also cost-saving. The develop-ment of the DNA chip technology is a brilliant example of thisevolution.175ABSTRACTS
Tárgyszavak:Orvostudományok Egészségtudományok idézhető absztrakt
Megjelenés:International Journal Of Cancer. - 100 : Suppl13 (2002), p. 175. -
További szerzők:Kiss I. Sándor János (1966-) (orvos-epidemiológus) Varga Cs. Varjas Tímea Gyongyi Z.
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