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001-es BibID:BIBFORM105957
Első szerző:Józsa Gabriella
Cím:Predictors of the Intention of Learning in Higher Education: Motivation, Self-Handicapping, Executive Function, Parents' Education and School Achievement / Gabriella Józsa, Tun Zaw Oo, Stephen Amukune, Krisztián Józsa
Megjegyzések:Learning motivation, self-handicapping, executive function, and school achievement are interrelated variables affecting students' intension of learning in higher education. However, many educators are unaware of the ability of these predictive variables and fail to encourage students' further education. Therefore, with the aim of helping educators, this study was conducted to predict students' intention of learning in higher education based on their learning motivation, self-handicapping, executive function, school achievement, and mothers' education. We sampled Hungarian 12th graders (N = 1330) who participated in this study while collecting the data online during class hours. Questionnaires were used to measure learning motivation, self-handicapping, and executive function. Findings showed that higher learning motivation, lower self-handicapping, stronger working memory, and mother's education could increase students' intention of learning in higher education. Beyond our expectations, higher school achievement (GPA) was not a significant predictor. Comparing different theoretical perspectives, we deduced reliable predictors underlying Hungarian students' intention of learning in higher education. Therefore, this study is of great importance for educators to pick out the real support for their students' intention of learning in higher education by following our research findings.
Tárgyszavak:Bölcsészettudományok Neveléstudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
executive function
school achievement
intention of learning in higher education
Megjelenés:Education Sciences. - 12 : 906 (2022), p. 1-19. -
További szerzők:Oo, Tun Zaw Amukune, Stephen Józsa Krisztián
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