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001-es BibID:BIBFORM106676
035-os BibID:(cikkazonosító)300 (WoS)000914082600001 (Scopus)85146777802
Első szerző:Wanjala, George (Animal scientist)
Cím:An on-station analysis of factors affecting growth traits of Pure Red Maasai and Dorper sheep breeds under an extensive production system / George Wanjala, Nelly Kichamu, Ludovic Toma Cziszter, Putri Kusuma Astuti, Szilvia Kusza
Megjegyzések:This comparative study aimed to evaluate genetic and environmental factors` effects on thegrowth traits of lambs in Dorper and Red Maasai (RedM) sheep breeds. The data analyzed containedthe following measurements: birth weight (Bwt), weaning weight (Wwt), yearling weight (Ywt), birthtype (single or twins), and details on each lamb`s dam (dam ID and age) and sire. Except for the RedM,whose birth weight decreased with time, both breeds generally showed an increase in other growthweights across the study period, with yearly variations affecting both breeds. Additionally, analysis bya linear mixed model with restricted maximum likelihood (REML) showed that only breed as a factorsignificantly (p< 0.05) influenced birth weight; breed, sex, and birth type all significantly (p< 0.05)influenced weaning weight, whereas season, sex, and dam age significantly (p< 0.05) influencedyearling weight. The RedM breed outperformed the Dorper breed in post-weaning growth rate,demonstrating early resilience and adaptation to local environmental factors independent of maternalinfluence. Breed and non-genetic factors play a vital role in the growth of lambs, and the resultsof this study offer an opportunity for improved farm management under an extensive productionsystem and selection for the conservation of the indigenous Red Maasai breed.
Tárgyszavak:Agrártudományok Állattenyésztési tudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
weaning weight
yearling weight
growth traits
non-genetic factors
extensive production
Megjelenés:Animals. - 13 : 2 (2023), p. 1-10. -
További szerzők:Kichamu, Nelly (1978-) (Animal scientist) Cziszter, Ludovic Toma Astuti, Putri Kusuma (1994-) (állattenyésztési genetikus) Kusza Szilvia (1979-) (agrármérnök)
Pályázati támogatás:Tempus Public Foundation
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