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001-es BibID:BIBFORM106911
035-os BibID:(Wos)000773323400070 (Scopus)85127269664
Első szerző:Wendt, Martin
Cím:Pronounced mito-nuclear discordance and various Wolbachia infections in the water ringlet Erebia pronoe have resulted in a complex phylogeographic structure / Martin Wendt, Dustin Kulanek, Zoltan Varga, Laszlo Rákosy, Thomas Schmitt
Megjegyzések:Several morphological and mitochondrial lineages of the alpine ringlet butterfy species Erebia pronoe have been described, indicating a complex phylogenetic structure. However, the existing data were insufcient and allow neither a reconstruction of the biogeographic history, nor an assessment of the genetic lineages. Therefore, we analysed mitochondrial (COI, NDI) and nuclear (EF1α, RPS5) gene sequences and compared them with sequences from the sister species Erebia melas. Additionally, we combined this information with morphometric data of the male genitalia and the infection patterns with Wolbachia strains, based on a WSP analysis. We obtained a distinct phylogeographic structure within the E. pronoe-melas complex with eight well-distinguishable geographic groups, but also a remarkable mito-nuclear discordance. The mito-nuclear discordance in E. melas and E. pronoe glottis can be explained by diferent ages of Wolbachia infections with diferent Wolbachia strains, associated selective sweeps, and hybridisation inhibition. Additionally, we found indications for incipient speciation of E. pronoe glottis in the Pyrenees and a pronounced range dynamic within and among the other high mountain systems of Europe. Our results emphasize the importance of combined approaches in reconstructing biogeographic patterns and evaluating phylogeographic splits.
Tárgyszavak:Természettudományok Biológiai tudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
Mito-nuclear discordance
Megjelenés:Scientific Reports. - 12 : 1 (2022), p. 1-10. -
További szerzők:Kulanek, Dustin Varga Zoltán (1939-) (professor emeritus, evolúcióbiológus, zoológus) Rákosy László Schmitt, Thomas
Internet cím:DOI
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