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001-es BibID:BIBFORM107118
Első szerző:Szőke Melinda (nyelvész)
Cím:Szent István Zalavári okleveleiről / Szőke Melinda
ISSN:0541-9298 1588-7162
Megjegyzések:On the Zalavár Charters of Saint Stephen The paper studies the circumstances of the creation and the philological attributes of the two Zalavár charters of King Saint Stephen and also introduces the history of the Abbey of Zalavár. The Zalavár charters dated 1019 and 1024 are two of the charters of Saint Stephen that are considered to be forged. The two charters (of the altogether six forged charters of Saint Stephen) studied here are part of the same charter group both historically and linguistically as the Pécsvárad and Bakonybél charters. Due to their uncertain chronological status, the charters may preserve multiple chronological layers both from the perspective of historical onomastics and linguistics. The charters are dated as 38 follows: +1019 [beginning of the 14th century]/+1328/1347/1370 and +1024 [middle of the 14th century]/+1339/1350. The paper provides the information necessary for the specific linguistic analysis of charters with an abundant Hungarian language corpus (the 1019 charter includes 68 remnants and the 1024 document 38).
Tárgyszavak:Bölcsészettudományok Nyelvtudományok magyar nyelvű folyóiratközlemény hazai lapban
Megjelenés:Magyar nyelvjárások. - 59 (2021), p. 27-38. -
Pályázati támogatás:NKFIH 134389
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