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001-es BibID:BIBFORM107127
Első szerző:Szőke Melinda (nyelvész)
Cím:A Historical Linguistic Analysis of Hungarian Toponyms in Non-Authentic Charters / Szőke Melinda
Megjegyzések:Foreign texts containing Hungarian words are indisputably important sources of data for the study of early periods of Old Hungarian. Only a few charters have survived from the 11th century, an era marking the beginning of Hungarian literacy. Medieval charters contain several place names that still have not been explained in detail. Moreover, linguists have studied primarily those early charters that were also authenticated. I believe that besides the low number of authentic sources from this early period, those of uncertain authenticity (e.g., transcripts and false charters) should also be studied. My paper focuses on two examples from 11th-century charters to illustrate how the unique philological situation of interpolated and forged charters may help us make etymological knowledge more accurate, using the Founding Charter of Garamszentbenedek (Susolgi) and the Charter of Pécsvárad (Sorlogys).
Tárgyszavak:Bölcsészettudományok Nyelvtudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény hazai lapban
Megjelenés:Onomastica Uralica. - 15 (2019), p. 97-108. -
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