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001-es BibID:BIBFORM107677
Első szerző:Cohen, Emily B.
Cím:Spring Resource Phenology and Timing of Songbird Migration across the Gulf of Mexico / Emily B. Cohen, Zoltán Németh, Theodore J. Zenzal, Jr., Kristina L. Paxton, Robert Diehl, Eben H. Paxton, Frank R. Moore
Megjegyzések:Migratory songbirds are advancing their arrival to breeding areas in response to climatic warming at temperate latitudes. Less is understood about the impacts of climate changes outside the breeding period. Every spring, millions of migrating songbirds that overwinter in the Caribbean and Central and South America stop to rest and refuel in the first available habitats after crossing the Gulf of Mexico (hereafter, the Gulf). We used capture data from a long-term banding station (20 years: 1993 to 2012) located on the northern coast of the Gulf to assess the passage timing of 17 species making northward migrations into eastern North America. We further assessed spring resource phenology as measured by normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) on nonbreeding ranges and en route. We tested the hypotheses that spring passage timing has advanced during the past two decades and that annual variability in passage timing into eastern North America is related to spring resource phenology on stationary nonbreeding ranges and during passage south of the Gulf. Further, we assessed whether annual variability in resource phenology south of the Gulf was a good indicator of the conditions that migrants encountered upon first landfall in eastern North America. We found no trend in migration timing for species that migrate from South America and annual variability in their passage timing was unrelated to environmental conditions in nonbreeding ranges or en route. Species that migrate from Central America and the Caribbean delayed arrival by 2 to 3 days over the 20-year period and arrived later during years when conditions were dryer in nonbreeding ranges and passage areas south of the Gulf. Further, yearto- year variability in spring resource phenology in nonbreeding ranges and passage areas south of the Gulf were not good indicators of resource phenology upon arrival in eastern North America. Therefore, despite the fact that many migrant species have been arriving increasingly earlier to breeding grounds, the passage timing of 17 species into eastern North America has either not changed or is slightly later, due to drying spring conditions in Central America and the Caribbean. Our results suggest that Nearctic?Neotropical migratory birds adjust the rate of migration primarily within eastern North America and, in light of warmer temperatures in the temperate zone and earlier arrival timing to breeding ranges, species that overwinter in Central America and the Caribbean may be increasing the speed of migration within eastern North America.
Tárgyszavak:Természettudományok Biológiai tudományok könyvfejezet
climate change
Nearctic-Neotropical migratory songbirds
resource phenology
timing of migration
Megjelenés:Phenological synchrony and bird migration: changing climate and seasonal resources in North America / E. M. Wood; J. L. Kellermann. - p. 63-82. -
További szerzők:Németh Zoltán (1976-) (biológus) Zenzal, Theodore J. Paxton, Kristina L. Diehl, Robert Paxton, Eben H. Moore, Frank R. (biológus)
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