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001-es BibID:BIBFORM108135
035-os BibID:(MTMT)33426117
Első szerző:Molnár Dániel
Cím:Robotok a könyvtárban : Hogyan válhat a robotika a könyvtári mindennapok részévé? / Molnár Dániel; Dani Erzsébet
Megjegyzések:Robots in the library: how can robotics become part of everyday library life? As a library constantly looking for new opportunities, we have launched our robotics services with the mission of knowledge transfer. Our main aim is to introduce the basics of robotics: how it has become part of our everyday life and the opportunities it offers, which anyone can take part in, in order to prepare for the automation challenges of today and the near future. We also run a weekly club session called Library Robotics Hour, mainly for school children. Here, participants can learn about Lego robots and the basics of robot programming, develop their analytical thinking and problem-solving skills in a playful way, and learn about the use and possibilities of smart devices in a controlled environment. The more experienced participants can deepen their knowledge with creative tasks requiring independent ideas. As we have two types of robots that can be programmed through different applications, they can learn how similar results can be achieved through different approaches. Our shorter, one-session sessions for pre-school children or even for older age groups aim to raise interest in the history and potential of robotics, mainly through examples from previous studies or everyday life. The exhibited robots can also be tried out, so that the theoretical knowledge can be quickly implemented into practice. Our hands-on and experience-like solutions have brought robotics closer to many people in our library, and in smaller libraries and schools country-wide.
ISBN:978 615 822 430 7
Tárgyszavak:Műszaki tudományok Informatikai tudományok előadáskivonat
Megjelenés:Valós térben - az online térért : Networkshop 31: országos konferencia / Tick József, Kokas Károly, Holl András (szerk.). - p. 122-129. -
További szerzők:Bujdosóné Dani Erzsébet (1968-) (informatikus-könyvtáros)
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