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001-es BibID:BIBFORM108943
Első szerző:Réti Zsófia (irodalomtörténész, kultúrtörténész)
Cím:Kelet-európai popzene- és filmkutatás négy friss gyűjtemény tükrében / O. Réti Zsófia
Megjegyzések:Popular music and film studies in the mirror of four newly published volumes of collected studies This paper seeks to review four interrelated scholarly collections that focus on Eastern European popular music. Although research in this broader area is not new, its scholarly network, its entry into the international scene and its connections with other disciplines in the humanities and social sciences have only emerged in the last few years, to a great extent owing to the work of Ewa Mazierska and Zsolt Győri, the editors whose collections are reviewed here. Two of the four collections explore the movements of popular music, including a special issue of the journal Popular Music History about popular music transcending national borders (2016), and the volume Eastern European Music in a Transnational Context (2019). The other two investigate the relationship between popular music and film, including Popular Music and the Moving Image in Eastern Europe (2018), and a special issue of the journal Studies in Eastern European Cinema about cinema and pop music in Eastern Europe (2019), this latter one edited by Zsolt Győri alone.
Tárgyszavak:Bölcsészettudományok Irodalom- és kultúratudományok magyar nyelvű folyóiratközlemény hazai lapban
Eastern Europe
popular music
Megjelenés:Médiakutató. - 21 : 4 (2020), p. 87-95. -
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