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001-es BibID:BIBFORM109264
Első szerző:Máté-Szabó Barbara Éva (andragógus)
Cím:The Role of sports in community building and developing learning the case of Hajdúnánás / Barbara Máté-Szabó, Edina Márkus
Megjegyzések:Our case study attempts to examine the role that learning can play in overcoming disadvantages. How learning contributes to the development of settlement and region through innovative initiatives. We focused on cultural learning (Juhász & Szabó, 2016), within which we examine the field of sport, we have examined the relationship between sport and learning in the district of Hajdúnánás and in the center of the district. In our present case study we examined the formation and development of a curiosity initiative. It was clear that the "local heroes" and the actors they involved had the value and motivating power to start learning, shaping communities. Our results included the improvement of the quality of life, lifestyle changes, the related learning and the learning and intergenerational effects of the community experience.
Tárgyszavak:Társadalomtudományok Szociológiai tudományok tanulmány, értekezés
cultural learning
community learning
Megjelenés:Learning Communities and Social Innovations / szerk. Kozma Tamás , Márkus Edina. - p. 95-103. -
További szerzők:Márkus Edina (1975-) (andragógus, művelődési és felnőttképzési menedzser)
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