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001-es BibID:BIBFORM109273
Első szerző:Rábai Dávid (oktatáskutató)
Cím:Community Learning and Social Innovation: The Case of Hajdúhadház / Dávid Rábai
Megjegyzések:Our research is based on the foundations of LeaRn's research (Kozma et al., 2016), and as a new stage of research we were interested in what data we can read from the statistics along with the latest social, economic and infrastructural reports on the Hajdúhadház district and the qualitative research carried out in the field supports the results of these previously mentioned statements and statistics. In the second main part of the study after the introduction, the most recent (mostly 2015) social, economic and infrastructural indicators related to the district of Hajdúhadház were analyzed and presented, and in the third chapter of the study we carried out statistical analyses of the walk and its settlements in the LeaRn index pillars (Formal Learning, Non-Formal Learning, Cultural Learning and Community Learning) (Kozma et al., 2015; Kozma et al., 2016). These results were compared with national values in another figure, and the region was also compared with two rounds with nearly the same population. One such district is the Nyíradony in the vicinity of the district of Hajdúhadház and the another name is Szeghalom district in Békés county which is also population similar values with Nyíradony district. The values between the districts were illustrated in the figures, and then the data series were analysed. In the fourth main unit of the study, in the framework of fieldwork, we conducted interviews in the district of Hajdúhadház about what form sporting as a potential community building activity appears in the district. We were looking for an answer to why this pillar is left out of national averages, and how the interviewees themselves think about this issue.
Tárgyszavak:Társadalomtudományok Szociológiai tudományok tanulmány, értekezés
community learning
social innovation
LeaRn index
Hajdúhadház district
Megjelenés:Learning Communities and Social Innovations / szerk. Kozma Tamás , Márkus Edina. - p. 105-115. -
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