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001-es BibID:BIBFORM109657
Első szerző:Balogh Judit (jogász)
Cím:Fejezetek a Hajdúszoboszlói Királyi Járásbíróság szervezés- és ítélkezéstörténetéből / Balogh Judit
Megjegyzések:Hajdúszoboszló is considered as one of the m ost significant settlem ent am ongst the so called ♭ancient hajdú towns in Szabolcs'. Also its jurisdiction is one of the earliest activity as it is underpinned with reports since we have w ritten docum ents as from 1630 attesting the fact that there had been judicial activities in the m unicipality/com m unity. In the 19th century, this self-governm ental-like judicial activity turned into jurisdiction in the sense as duty of the state. Pursuant to Act 31 of 1871, a district court was established in Hajdúszoboszló which, unlike other hajdú towns, was not subordinated to the Hajdúböszörm ény Royal Regional Court but, from the outset, to the Debrecen Regional Court, setting forth the discontinuation the hajdú district. In the Hajdú-Bihar County Archives of the National Archives of Hungary a huge load of docum ents keep the traps of the functioning of the Hajdúszoboszló Royal District Court. In this study we intend to dem onstrate the life of this rather small and often varying assessed district court and its jurisdiction through the assortm ent of the annual supervisory review m aterial of the head of the Debrecen Regional Court. The hereby outlined functioning of the Hajdúszoboszló Royal District Court is an excellent example of a small countryside court, which worked with a small case-load and under a tight regional court control and the level of its work correlated with the personal quality and vocation of its judges.
Tárgyszavak:Társadalomtudományok Állam- és jogtudományok tanulmány, értekezés
Megjelenés:A jogszolgáltatás története Hajdúszoboszlón / szerk. Megyeri-Pálffi Zoltán. - p. 55-69. -
Internet cím:Intézményi repozitóriumban (DEA) tárolt változat
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