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001-es BibID:BIBFORM110155
Első szerző:Váczi Péter (testnevelő tanár)
Cím:The popularity of the university basketball championship / Váczi Péter, Herpainé Lakó Judit, Varga Attila, Maklári Gergely, Müller Anetta
Megjegyzések:The aim of our research was to assess the attitude of the students of the Eszterházy Károly University towards the men's basketball team of the University. Furthermore, our goal was to examine the development of the popularity of the basketball team among the university students, to get to know the opinion of the colleagues working in the university basketball scene in relation to the organization and reputation of the tournament. In addition, we describe good practices that can be adapted in Hungary to increase awareness. Methods:The aim of our research was to explore the brand values and awareness of the basketball team among the students of Eszterházy Károly University, to achieve this goal we chose a questionnaire survey and filled in the questionnaire online among the students of Eszterházy Károly University (N=389). In addition, we conducted indepth interviews with four coaches and colleagues in higher education working in the Hungarian University and College Basketball Championship. Results: We found that the team has well-identifiable brand elements, with the brand system receiving the lowest score for all brand creators that needs to be improved. The averages of the most important questionnaire responses to the liqueur scale questions range from 4.46 to 4.67. These values also indicate that the students of Eszterházy Károly University know the university team, follow its sporting events and are important in strengthening the university identity. In-depth interviews revealed that the process of advertising university matches should be broadened, bringing matches closer to all students. In-depth interviews also highlighted that developing a program stream around matches could be an important consideration. Conclusions: In connection with our previous brand research - which examined the team's awareness among the city's adult population - we found lower awareness results, the present research confirmed the higher awareness and interest results of university students in relation to the university's basketball team. By creating a website that meets the needs of today's modern age, involving merchandising products, and expanding the range of programs that accompany matches, the awareness of the basketball team could be raised to an even higher level not only among students, but also among the population. to strengthen. Additional opportunities arose in the organization of the tournament, which were mainly expressed in the expansion of the advertising scale.
Tárgyszavak:Orvostudományok Sporttudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
brand building
university championship
Megjelenés:Slovak Journal of Sport Science. - 7 : 2 (2021), p. 63-71. -
További szerzők:Herpainé Lakó Judit (1975-) (sportpedagógus) Varga Attila Maklári Gergely Müller Anetta Éva (1973-)
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