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Bazen, Jacob Cornelis (Lecturer)
Nation-building in Russian secondary education. A study into nationalism in secondary school geography education in Russia / Bazen Jacob
Utrecht : Utrecht University, 2018
137 p.
Russia, the largest country on earth, is a country of contradictions. It is at the same time old and young, since the state officially exists only from 1991, but people feel themselves connected with a long historical Russian imperial heritage going at least 1000 years back. In this study, nationalism and nation-building in Russian secondary school geography education is researched. From the literature on nationalism it is known that the education system is key in spreading nation-building messages among young people and incorporating them in this way into the state structure, at the same time, countries with higher education Different types of nationalism are taking into account in this study, in order to see which ones fit best with the dominant national narrative in the Russian Federation. Russian nationalism is rather inclusive as compared to many other Central and Eastern European countries, and the state itself, as well as the Orthodox church is key in understanding the Russian national feelings. An important role in the context of Russia has one of the subtypes of nationalism, namely patriotism, the feeling of pride in ones nation. The Russian ministry of education has issued guidelines for the Russian geography education and states that besides the necessary geographical content, it is important that children develop patriotic feelings for their country. Teachers and textbook authors are stimulated to put attention on this subject. However it seems that most attention for patriotism education is focused on the subject of history and (maybe also) social sciences. History textbooks have been extensively studied, geography and social sciences ones much less. In the five analysed geography secondary school textbooks in this study, large differences can be found in the amount of openly patriotic thought that is being broadcasted. All textbooks have a highly classical regional geographic approach, focusing on the uniqueness of the region. What becomes clear however in all books, is that there is a lot of attention for the vastness of Russia and its abundant natural resources. It appears as if the descriptions of the natural resources and their importance are a method in order to spark feelings of patriotism. Patriotism in Russia may be therefore rather different than the perception that foreigners may have, based on other Central and Eastern European countries as well as from generalizations from literature on the subject. The last part of the study consists of a number of interviews with Russian geography teachers. The opinion of the teachers is at least equally important as what is written in the textbooks, as it is the man or woman in front of the class who is making the real education. The teachers that are interviewed have a low attention for teaching patriotism. They indicate that they teach about the things that they consider to be useful for the students but mainly about geographical content. Several teachers mention to stay as far as possible away from politics. Unfortunately only 5 interviews took place, with teacher that spoke English or German. This means that generalizations cannot really be made with a large degree of certainty, as English speaking teachers may have a certain bias towards international cooperation and are therefore probably less influenced by patriotism. As conclusion can be said that elements of nation-building in geography textbooks can certainly be found in all textbooks, but that these are more aimed at the natural environment and its resources than on internationally more common cultural themes of patriotism, namely symbols of a shared culture and history.
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