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001-es BibID:BIBFORM112064
035-os BibID:(WoS)001048539100002
Első szerző:Shedeed, Shaymaa I.
Cím:Selenium nano-biofortification under soil nutrient deficiency : A comparative study between green bean and pepper / ShaymaaI. Shedeed, Zakaria F. Fawzy, Abd El- Mohsin M. El-Bassiony,Hassan El-Ramady, József Prokisch, Sameh M. El-Sawy, Sami H. Mahmoud, Ahmed E. Hamza
ISSN:0302-6701 2357-0369
Megjegyzések:Sandy soils are often associated with low fertility due to their physical and chemical properties. Sandy soils have a coarse texture and large pore spaces, which allow water and nutrients to drain quickly, leaving little time for plants to absorb them. Additionally, sandy soils have a low capacity to hold nutrients, which can easily leach out of the soil with excessive watering or rainfall. This makes it difficult for plants to access the nutrients they need to grow and develop properly, leading to nutrient deficiency stress. So, the current study was designated to investigate the responses of pepper and green bean plants to various selenium (Se) forms (Nano and bulk forms) and doses (0.0, 10, 20, 30, and 40 ppm for each form) during the biofortification program under sandy soil conditions.In general, the response of studied vegetable crops had a similar behavior under such studied stress regarding all selected attributes. This response represents in increasing the studied trials of growth, and nutritional status of both crops by increasing the applied nano-Se up to 20 or 30 ppm, while bulk forms of Se at 20 ppm for both crops. The production of biofortified fruits of both green bean and pepper were not only contain high content of Se to prevent the biofortification program, but also increased the all studied attributes of crops. This study seeks to remedy the problems of cultivation of sandy soils under biofortification program by applying both mineral and nano-Se sources with propriety to the biological nano-Se. This study also opened many questions concerning the biofortification program using other vegetable crops under different stresses.
Tárgyszavak:Agrártudományok Növénytermesztési és kertészeti tudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
Soil fertility
Potassium deficiency
Nitrogen deficiency
Sandy soil
Megjelenés:Egyptian Journal of Soil Science. - 63 : 2 (2023), p. 209-223. -
További szerzők:Fawzy, Zakaria El-Bassiony, Abd El-Mohsin El-Ramady, Hassan (1969-) (agrármérnök) Prokisch József (1966-) (vegyész) El-Sawy, Sameh Mahmoud, Sami H.
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