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001-es BibID:BIBFORM112734
Első szerző:Li, Tianyi
Cím:Significance of tourism economic vulnerability research / Tianyi Li ; Bujdosó Zoltán
Megjegyzések:Consumption, investment, and net exports are three important factors driving regional economic growth. Judging from the long-term development history of tourism, the industry has made significant contributions to the comprehensive functions of driving direct consumption and inducing indirect consumption, improving investment efficiency and broadening investment channels, earning foreign exchange income, and balancing trade balances, that gradually form a catalyst to drive regional economic growth. However, while the region is making every effort to develop tourism, it ignores or even inhibits the development of other industries, forming the phenomenon of tourism as a single pillar industry, and tourism specialization has become increasingly prominent since the over-economy. The prominence of tourism specialization will lead to an increase in the vulnerability risk of the local regional economy. Once it encounters the influence of uncontrollable factors in the external environment, such as global epidemics, wars, etc., the negative impact on the regional economy will be devastating. Therefore, evaluating the impact of tourism development on economic growth from the perspective of vulnerability, and putting forward corresponding control measures, is an important supplement to the research on the negative economic impact of tourism, and also enriches the theoretical research system on the tourism economic. This research starts from three basic questions: (1) How to define specialized tourism cities and economic vulnerability, and how does tourism specialization lead to economic vulnerability? (2) How to evaluate the economic vulnerability of tourism specialization areas? What are its influencing factors? (3) How to regulate the economic vulnerability of specialized tourist cities to avoid risks? In terms of research methods, qualitative research methods and quantitative research methods were combined used. This study re-examines and discusses the economic effects of tourism industry from the perspective of regional economic development, and analyzes the initial conditions for the sustainable economic development of tourism destinations.
Tárgyszavak:Társadalomtudományok Regionális tudományok előadáskivonat
regional economic development
tourism specialization
economic vulnerability risk assessment
sustainable tourism development
Megjelenés:Ezerarcú Tudomány : A MATE Károly Róbert Campusán megrendezett 2022. évi workshop előadásainak összefoglalói / szerk. Bujdosó Zoltán. - p. 45. -
További szerzők:Bujdosó Zoltán (1975-) (geográfus)
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