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001-es BibID:BIBFORM113625
Első szerző:Bagdi Róbert (történész, geográfus)
Cím:A Kohner család gazdasági érdekeltségei / Bagdi Róbert, Hlbocsányi Norbert
Megjegyzések:In the first issue of Pénzvilág in 1911, Baron Dr Adolf Kohner (1866-1937) was described as a leading figure of the economic elite in Pest. As the most success- ful member of a family of merchants, which by then had already spanned four generations, he inherited part of the family's economic interests. The Kohners began trading in Csongrád County in the 1830s. However, its members soon moved to Pest, where they started trading in produce as well as in down and feather in 1840. The next generation founded the Adolf Kohner's Sons, a firm trading in produce and valuable goods. In 1881, the Kohner and Hatvany- Deutsch families bought the Nagysurány sugar factory jointly, which indicates the expansion of their commercial networks. The decades that followed were a time of growing economic interests, acquisitions, and commercial relations. Adolf Kohner's membership in the ♭multiposition elite' is attested to by his many positions held in economy, society and culture, as well as by his baronial title which he obtained in 1912. He founded a total of 34 companies, was a share- holder in 63 companies, and owned 3 public limited companies. Between 1894 and 1918, he was involved as founder or director in at least 42 companies, with a strong presence in the textile, chemical, milling and leather industries. The aim of this study is to systematize these disparate economic interests and analyze their intricate web of interrelationships.
Tárgyszavak:Társadalomtudományok Közgazdaságtudományok magyar nyelvű folyóiratközlemény hazai lapban
Kohner család
Megjelenés:Korall. - 23 : 87 (2022), p. 119-144. -
További szerzők:Hlbocsányi Norbert
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